In the template matching external links, the variable "params" contains a concatenation of all strings generated from 在与外部链接匹配的模板中,变量“params”包含从
Once you have such a Python file there, you can go to any folder, choose "Add External Method", and add a variable that invokes the function in question. 一旦那里有了这样一个Python文件,您就可以转到任意文件夹,选择“添加外部方法”,并添加调用要使用的函数的变量。
But you need to declare that variable explicitly, and let the query know that something external in this case, the Java program will define that variable for use. 但是需要显式声明该变量并告诉查询外部程序这里就是Java程序将定义该变量。
Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable. 它是决定新股发行制度变迁效率的诸多变量因素中最重要的外生变量。
The external competitiveness of the eurozone depends on the exchange rate. Yet that is not a policy variable. 欧元区的外部竞争力取决于汇率,但汇率并不是政策上的可变量。
Technology does not exist as an external variable to be injected from the outside to bring about certain results. 我们无法把科技当做外来变数,直接加入社会系统,而期望获得某种结果。
In this paper, a semiconductor laser with external optical feedback is entered into chaotic motion by increasing the time of the external optical feedback at first. And then, the sliding mode variable structure control scheme is used to control the chaotic motion of this laser system. 通过增加外腔反馈式半导体激光器的激光反馈时间,使系统处于混沌状态,再采用滑模变结构控制方法实现这种激光器的混沌控制。
PMD in fiber is formed for the incomplete structure and the action of external stress on optical fiber and is a stochastic variable. 偏振模色散是由于光纤结构的不完美性以及外界应力作用而产生的,是一个服从麦克斯韦分布的随机量。
The expression for the relation between the deform and the external force of progressive rate springs with variable arm length was established by using unit load method, and then the non-linear dynamics equations was given. 采用单位荷载法推导变撑臂渐硬性钢板弹簧变形和外力之间的关系式,进而推导出非线性动力学方程,然后采用多尺度法对方程进行求解。
Diversification In most literature is treated as external variable, and has little concern about the factors affecting firm diversification. 国内外的绝大多数文献都把多元化当作外生变量,很少关注多元化经营的影响因素。
The government is an external variable of circular economy, which must offer basic system space for the efficiency of property system and technology innovation system. 政府是循环经济的外生变量,必须为产权制度和技术创新制度的效率提供基础性制度空间。
The external iteration regards flow rate of vapor as discontinuous variable and can be calculated by heat equation. 外层迭代以汽相流率V为切断变量,通过热量平衡方程进行计算。
But in the era of globalization, the greatest external variable of development in science and technology is the scientific and technological policy, so it appears that it becomes more and more important to adhere to research on the effect of the scientific and technological policy. 在全球化的时代背景下,科技发展的最大外生变量是科技政策,因而,坚持对科技政策的效果研究就越发显得重要。
Reform as the external variable of the post and tele industry, has promoted the prosperity of this industry, and has brought influence to the development of other departments through inner link with interdepartmental national economy. 政府主导的改革作为邮电业本身发展以外的因素,促进了这个产业的繁荣,并通过国民经济部门间的内在联系给其他部门发展带来影响。
This paper figures out the optimum static state work point and optimum control algorithm, through detecting the external environment parameter and internal state variable feedback. 本文通过对外部环境参量的检测和内部状态变量的反馈来确定其能量最优的静态工作点以及相应的最优控制算法。
Internet is an external variable to the system of constitutions of human society, exerting deep and wide influence on the latter, formal and informal. 互联网相对于人类社会制度系统来讲是一种外在变量,对制度变迁具有深刻而广泛的影响,不仅影响正式制度,而且影响非正式制度。
Stylistic variation is the reselection of internal and external variable factors and it has dual characters, then normal style is an important content of standardizing capital construction of modern Chinese. 语体变异是内外变量因素的重新选择。语体变异具有二重性,规范语体是现代汉语规范化基本建设的重要内容。
Dynamic test of AUDI disc brake was performed on JF 132 vehicle brake tester. ARX model with external variable of the brake was developed. 在JF132型汽车制动器试验台上进行了AUDI盘式制动器的动态测试,建立了该制动器的带外生变量的自回归(ARX)模型。
The paper mainly covers intrinsic mechanism of data transmission between assembler program and Turbo C language program including ways of transmitting value, address, external variable, process value return. 本文主要介绍汇编语言程序和Turbo语言程序间数据传递的传值方法,传址方法及外部变量方法和过程返值方法的内在机理。
Controlling chaotic dynamical behavior of a semiconductor laser with external optical feedback using sliding mode variable structure control scheme 用滑模变结构控制方法实现外腔反馈式半导体激光器的混沌控制
Variable structure control is robust to parameter and external disturbance uncertainty, so state-delay system and input-delay system by variable structure sliding mode control are studied in this paper. 变结构控制控制对系统参数和外部扰动的不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性,为了充分利用变结构控制这一突出优点,论文分别研究了状态存在滞后和控制存在滞后的时滞系统的变结构控制。
According to the logic that the two external variable experience economic era and consumer behaviour are both the decisive factors of the making policy of enterprise's brand strategy, this text is divided into six chapters from the structure. 按照体验经济时代和消费者行为这两个外生变量来确定企业的品牌战略的逻辑,本文从结构上分为六章。
Open system environment and the introduction of external variable are avail ways to untie system "locked" state. 开放的制度环境和外部变量的引进是解开制度锁定状态的有效办法。
It is a chapter of empirical research of IAQ and external audit fees, and examining whether each IAQ variable including number of internal auditors, internal audit model and whether establish rules of internal audit is related to external audit fees. 本章对内部审计质量与外部审计费用相关性进行实证研究,并进一步检验了内部审计部门人数、内部审计管理模式、是否建立内部审计制度与外部审计费用的相关性。
These external factors influenced pre-service English teachers interactively and determined the variable nature their teacher role cognition. Apart from this, the agency of pre-service teachers played important part in role cognition. 不同的外部因素以及他们之间的交互影响作用决定了英语师范生角色认知的多变性。除此之外,内部因素,即师范生的能动性在其角色认知的过程中起了重要的作用。
Based on the two points mentioned above, the author suggests set the power of monopolies as the external variable, and introduces an innovative guideline of reform. 4. 基于以上两点,将垄断权力作为外生变量,提出一条新的改革路径。
The index of Communality is used to evaluate external relationship, and to measure the predictive ability of latent variable in the external relations for the observed variables. 外部关系模型评价采用共同因子(Communality),用来衡量外部关系中潜变量对观测变量的预测能力。
Then analyze the influence factors of enterprise innovative capability, divided into internal factors and external factors, then classify and quantify these factors, definite the independent variable, and establish empirical models according to assumption. 进而分析了企业创新能力的影响因素,分为内部因素和外部因素两个方面,并以此为依据对各影响因素进行归类、量化,定义自变量,根据假设建立实证模型。
The theory of the economic growth in the past regarded system as the external variable, which supposed the external system being invariable while analyzing the economic behavior. 以往经济增长的理论将制度作为外部变量,即在分析经济行为时假设外部制度恒定不变。
The extreme conditions include low content analyte, influence of external variable and complicated analytical matrix et al. 这些极端的检测条件包括:目标检测物含量低、存在外部变量的作用、检测物所在基质复杂等。